Frequently Asked Question

Entering Credit Card Receipts and PrePayments
Last Updated 4 years ago

Entering Credit Card Receipts and PrePayments in TBS

For credit card entries, we recommend using a simple style for the 'Cheque/Check number' field which will allow some later filtering - enter a 4 digit date - so typically the day and month (or month and day for the US) followed by a 2 character card code, so VS, MC, AX etc :


Typically when accepting credit card payments, these are made in advance of the actual invoice being created.

To enter these pre-payments in a manner which will allow for automatic matching of the prepayment to the invoice whenever that gets summarised and added in to the ledger, you simply need to include the booking number when entering the payment in to the cashbook account :


Note : typically you will know the bookings job number, and entering this in the 'Lookup Job Number' field allows you to confirm the basic job details (like the client etc) :


Selecting the job will then automatically populate the clients details, and copy the job number into the appropriate field :


If you use the credit card style of entry as described above, then in the Reconciliation screen there are various filter buttons for reviewing your credit card entries on their own, which can very much simplify reconciling against the bank entries or credit card provider statements :


There are also some additional reports available in the Transactions tab, again which can help greatly with credit card reconciliation :


As you might expect, the Day Deposits List will show you an analysis of receipts on any given single day :


The options shown allow you to flex how the sub totals split the information, by including or excluding credit cards and/or other receipts

Which produces the following style of report :


The Period Deposits List similarly requests a range of dates :


Which produces the following style of report :


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