Frequently Asked Question

Changing your logos
Last Updated 4 years ago

Changing your logos

If you need to make any changes to your company logos, these can easily be done in house by following the path below :

Logos are held in 2 separate locations in TBS (and used for different purposes)

Go to System Administration -> Main Companies :

In this screen - the top list is for your principal 'parent' main company detail, and the middle list is for any 'departments' of the parent company - which can include entries used for exchange rate currency only entries.

The first place we will store a logo is in the parent company detail, so click on the Edit button of the top list to get the parent company detail :

then click on to the Logos tab :

Note : valid importable image types are : PNG, JPEG, PCX, GIF and WBMP

Images can be added by either a copy and paste into the logo fields, or by using the double arrows button to the right of each logo field which will allow you to select an image file which will then show in the logo field.

Of the three logo fields available, TBS will use by default the top one (Company Logo #1) as the default for all internal reports. The other 2 logos are there to be available for any user defined reports as and when may be required.

Use the Save & Close button to save any changes and return to the Main Companies screen.

The height of your main company logo, when used on standard reports within TBS, can be set by way of a Refs entry (System Administration -> Refs - typically only available to admin users) :

In addition to the main company logos - each department maintains its own logos as well, which are principally used in the invoice family of reports. To access these - select your given department from the centre list and select the Logos tab in the bottom section 'Department edit' :

You may keep as many logos as you require for each department - they are accessed uniquely by your custom reports formats, so can be identified by your own designation of 'Logo Number'

Images can be added by either a copy and paste into the logo field, or by using the double arrows button above the logo field which will allow you to select an image file which will then show in the logo field.

The Height shown here refers to the height (in cms but multiplied by 1000) of the primary logo only and is used to set the logo height automatically on certain reports.The height can be any height you wish - just bear in mind that if the height value here is larger than the actual real image height, the image will be 'stretched' and may look pixellated even though the aspect ratio will be maintained correctly.

Use the 'Show Other Logos' button to display more logos for that department.

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