Frequently Asked Question

Sales Forecasts
Last Updated 4 years ago

Displaying Forecasts in TBS Browser

For users who are allowed to view financial information, there is now the ability to review your sales forecasts within the TBS Browser :


Forecasts can be set by way of a Refs entry (which administrators can set) to be categorised either by delivery date, or by return date - note the default is by delivery date :


The resulting forecasts ignore all bookings which are tagged as 'Exclude From Forecast' - use this where you may be holding multiple quotations for the same job but with different setups. In this case, hold the one most likely to win as the included job !!


The actual forecasts then show you the results by value by current accounting status over a range of dates :


Note: within each chart, if you click on any of the status legends beneath the chart, this will 'hide' that status, and redraw the chart without the selected / greyed out status :



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