Frequently Asked Question

Verifying UK addresses and postcodes in TBS
Last Updated 3 years ago

Verifying UK addresses and postcodes in TBS

It is now possible to enable any UK address or postcode to be verified at the time of entry. This is made possible utilising the Ideal Postcodes API, which can be (optionally) set to interact in the Clients edit screen

Note : this requires an externally licenced component which is only available at additional charge - see here for more info

With the preference set (in Refs : 'Clients'/'UseUKPostcodeLookup'), and the relevant licence information stored in the appropriate Refs entry ('TBS'/'IdealPostcodeLicence') then editing a clients entry adds the additional field:


Clicking in the opening lookup field (UK Address/Postcode) shows :


And as you type you will see results from which you can choose :


After making a selection, the entries are moved to the TBS fields :


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