Frequently Asked Question

Cost Of Goods Sold
Last Updated 4 years ago

Cost Of Goods Sold

If you sell goods using TBS, you will almost certainly want to be able to make an allowance in your accounts for the cost of the items sold.

The way this is done within TBS is by using the 'Buy In' price of the relevant stock descriptions

This figure should be kept as close as possible to your actual buying price - which of course may vary from purchase to purchase - this is not an exact science however so providing the figures are close then this report will be relevant !

To get to the cost of sales for any given period of time, go to the Bookings --> Lookups --> Bookings Items

Here you will want to do a Find with the following search (obviously tweaked for your specific circumstances) :

This search will produce a list of all items sold during the period given - you may want to add in additional filters to remove certain sales items like transport entries etc

From the resulting list, click on the Export button. This will create a tab delimited file, which can be saved whereever you wish

Use Excel or similar spreadsheet application to open the saved file

There are columns in the report for the total net value sold - and also a column for the total 'bought in' price - which is calculated as the quantity of the item X its Buy In price as shown above....

The total therefore of the Buy In price will give you an approximate total for your accounts

Anything beyond that would be down to a stock check and valuation of assets in stock

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