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Allocating Subhires and creating POs in TBS Browser
Last Updated 4 years ago

Allocating Subhires and creating POs in TBS Browser

This document shows how to update multiple allocation lines simultaneously when dealing with sub hires - and subsequently creating Purchase Orders from the sub hire entries :

Setting the supplier

Start from the bookings items list of a given job :


Select the items that you wish to interact with (or select all if easier !) :


This gives you the list of allocations :


Scrolling to the right you can see that no suppliers are yet set :


Select the lines you wish to allocate, and from the Special menu, choose the option : Set Supplier :


This displays an additional line under the toolbar to allow you to search for and select the supplier you want to allocate :


Lookup the supplier in the normal TBS lookup fashion :


Selecting the appropriate entry displays the supplier:


Clicking on 'Set Supplier' will then set the supplier against your selected allocation lines :


If the supplier has no default supplier discount arrangement set, or if they are not tagged against those descriptions as 'Alternate Suppliers' you are shown a '0' rate against each item to allow you to manually set the rate (per one single item regardless of how many are on the allocation line itself) per individual charge day (regardless of the length of the rental itself) - this is simply to allow an easy setting of the rate per day from which the purchase order can calculate the overall job charge - if you wish to have these values automatically calculated, then edit the suppliers name/address entry and check the 'Supplier Discount' fields - enter the discount that the supplier offers you either off the gross price per day you are charging, or as a discount off the net price you are charging on this job - in this example we are now setting the supplier to a 50% discount off the net that you are charging :


If we were to set this supplier now (with a default discount set) then the entries would look like this - note the 'Rate for single' column entries :


Creating a Purchase Order

Once you have set the initial information for suppliers along with any daily individual rates they will be charging you (note: you can manually enter the individual daily rate in the allocation line prior to creating the PO if you wish and that will override the stored value), then select the lines you wish to turn into Purchase Orders (note : here this can work with multiple suppliers in one entry, i.e. you can create multiple purchase orders with this command) :


From the Special menu, choose the option : Create Purchase Orders :


Purchase Orders are then created and the results are displayed :


Once a purchase order has been created, the 'Rate for single' column is no longer displayed - further changes are made from within the purchase order only :


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