Frequently Asked Question

Quality Control
Last Updated 4 years ago

Quality Control in TBS2


To perform quality control checks in TBS2, it is required to set the desired stock descriptions to use specific sets of Technical Details

The Technical Details field found in the Stock Description edit screen shows all currently known entries
if you need to create a new set of Technical Details, simply write in your own new unique identifier into this field :

Once you have a Technical Detail created, you should then go to the Stock / Lookups / Technical Detail Titles in order to create and arrange the information you wish to check and / or keep against that set of items :

In this list, you can drag and drop the lines around to change the order in which they will appear

For each line entered, you can set a sub heading, a title for that piece of data entry, and whether that entry should display a Pass/Fail checkbox,
whether it should display a 'Not applicable' checkbox (if you have a pass/fail without a N/A box then the answer is either pass or fail - if you allow a N/A box, then clicking N/A will set a non-Pass to a no result as opposed to a fail),
whether it should allow a value to be stored, whether a comment may be made, or whether it should allow a date input

Using the 'New Copy' button makes this process fairly quick and easy (after your first line has been amended) as it also increments the order number within the same process.

Note : only stock descriptions which are set to 'Use Serial Numbers' have meaningful Technical Details against specific and individual stock items

Using Technical Details against an individual stock item

Each individual stock item of the given Stock Description will now hold a set of Technical Details in line with your settings :

which allows you to edit the data as required by using the Edit button :

Here you may note that only those fields which you have previously set to be used are now shown for editing

Using Quality Control in WMS (Warehouse Management System)

In the main WMS opening page (after signing in) there is an option : 'QC Tests' :

which allows you to enter a barcode of any stock item :

Scan (or enter) any relevant barcode into the field presented and submit

In the event your barcode is not recognised you are given a suitable message :

In the event your barcode is recognised but there are no technical details set for that stock description you are given a suitable message :

If however the item does have technical details you are shown them in a form to edit/update them :

After submitting your changed details, you are returned for another entry - advising you of success or failure of the previous entry :

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