Frequently Asked Question

Creating a Carnet
Last Updated 3 years ago

Creating a Carnet

Carnets are created much like a booking in that a carnet has a 'header' which contains overall information about the carnet - and then a set of items are attached to that header

Carnets are found in the Stock section of the desktop application :

Click on the 'New' button of the top list to start a new carnet :

Once your header is saved you will have a new carnet number, ready for items to be added :

If you are creating a carnet and need multiple items from a booking, you can use a Selection List for this - start by going to your bookings Allocation list - there select the line items you want to add to the carnet, and use the Special menu of the items list where you can create a new Selection List :

This will then ask you for a name for your selection list, defaulting to the job number - save as desired

Return to your carnet and in the lower list, again use the Special menu option to add in your Selection List :

This adds the contents but adds also the additional columns for the carnet such as origin, weight etc :

Once your items are in the carnet list - using the Print option of the lower list will give you a report of the carnet items that you can use to send to whoever requires the information - or use the Export button to create a tab delimited file of the information which can be opened by Excel etc.

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