Frequently Asked Question

Importing Sales Stock Quantities
Last Updated 4 years ago

Importing Sales Stock Quantities

In order to import a spreadsheet of sales stock quantities into TBS, we will be following a very similar pattern to that of a standard import of data - but with a couple of additional small twists !

Firstly you are going to have to create a spreadsheet with (at least) one column for the *exact* stock description, and another for the quantity on hand of that item (note : sales stocks are held as a quantity per 'home', not per department)

Once you have your spreadsheet with all its data, then save it as a tab delimited text file, so let's say it is called : 'salesqty.txt'

We now need to make sure that we have an Import Data entry ready, which matches the exact column layout of your spreadsheet, and includes the 2 required columns for this update - notably the Stock Description column from the stock descriptions table, and the Sales Qty column from the sales stocks table.....

For more information about creating import data lists, see the knowledgebase article entitled : Importing Data

To run our specific sales stock quantity import, we then go to the Stock --> Stock Types screen - and choose the Special menu option there : Update Sales Stock Qty Using Import File :

This will then ask you for the import list which matches your saved tab delimited file :

Select the matching line and click on OK - if you have multiple homes you are then asked to choose the home to update :

You are now asked to tell TBS about your import file and what you want it to do with the data :

If you have no existing sales stock entries, leave the top box unchecked, but if you have existing sales stock entries, then be sure to check the top box : Select to update not insert !!

The next question relates to your spreadsheet and simply asks if the first line contains only titles, and if so then it should be ignored.....

The following 3 questions are taken as one - and you should check only one of them (so uncheck any that are already checked if changing the type of file that you previously saved)

The remaining entries are self-explanatory......

Clicking on Ok will then ask you to select your saved tab delimited text file - which it will then verify for you by showing you the first 5 lines so that you can ensure the contents match the right columns.....

All being equal, the import will now process your file as you would expect

Please note : if you are updating the sale stock qty and the qty changes, a transaction entry will be raised to track the changed qty.

If you do not want that entry, you may wish to zero the sales stock quantities for that department first, which can be done by going to the Stock --> Sales Stocks list - searching for the relevant sales stocks, and then selecting these entries and use the Special menu option here : Set Selected Sales Qty to Zero....

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