Frequently Asked Question

Setting Up Repair Types
Last Updated 4 years ago

Setting Up Repair Types


Before you can enter a repair job in to TBS, you need to set up at least one Repair Type - which can guide a repair job through how it is set to function.

A repair type is a set of 'instructions' or 'steps' to follow as a repair job goes through its life and dictates differing scenarios that repairs may be required to take. For example a repair type for a clients piece of equipment needs different instruction from a repair of your own item of stock, where there is a requirement for your own item of stock to be made unavailable to other TBS bookings whilst being repaired which is not necessary for a clients item of stock, and so on

Each Repair Type can be set to be available for selection when a user is creating a repair job directly from a booking, or directly in the repairs module.

Repair Types are found in the Repair Screens / Lookups section of the Navigation Tree :

A repair type is then created by using the 'New' button of the top list, and entered :

Note : this is where the options are for where this repair type can be shown to the user. If there is only one choice available to a user in either the repair job entry or as a repair from bookings, then no option is given to the user but the one choice is simply used, otherwise the user is given a choice at the time of initiating the repair job....

Once a repair type has been created, then a template is created of the various 'steps' required in the lower list - set as default starting points which you can tweak by editing any step as required

Following is an explanation of the various steps that are created for each repair type :

Step 1 - Return From TBS Job - this is a Yes/No and tells the repair job if any current TBS booking that the selected stock item is on now should be returned so typically you would click the Yes/No to be selected

Step 2 - Book to TBS Repair Job (not used) - as described can be saved as is and ignored....

Step 3 - Book Repair Job - another yes/no which wants to be selected (obviously !!)

Step 4 - Client - used if you want a particular type to always be booked against one particular client - usually only used for in house repair types where you default the client to a name/address entry for yourselves !! Use the Client field if required.....otherwise just save with client name left blank

Step 5 - Delivery - indicates any return delivery address required for items booked on this type - usually leave the client field blank here and save

Step 6 - Project Group - use the Project Name field if you want repair jobs booked against this type to be set against any specific project (some users like to keep a specific 'Repairs' project, otherwise leave empty and save

Step 7 - Date Received - use the Date dropdown list to select an appropriate entry here - typically use 'Today'

Step 8 - Priority - if you wish to set this repair to displaying any specific Priority, enter that in the Priority field - it has little bearing other than sorting the list contents if you wish to display high priority repairs first !!!

Step 9 - Repair Job Status - which status to set a new repair job of this type to - typically this would be either a '1' which means 'Awaiting receipt' (you have not yet received this item), or '2' 'Awaiting Assessment' (you have received the repair item but have not yet checked it out to determine exactly what's wrong with it)

Step 10 - Anticipated Repair Time - the length of time (ha !) you anticipate repair may take - use the Date dropdown list again and typically choose from '2 weeks', '4 weeks' etc

Step 11 - Book to TBS job - use the Yes/No field to indicate if you wish a TBS booking to be created for this stock item - this is the one that will actually keep the item unavailable (the repair job itself is wholly separate from bookings info) - so use for anything which involves an item of stock (many users will repair client equipment where there is then no need for a TBS booking of course !)

Step 12 - TBS Job Delivery Date - select which date to put on your TBS job (if using one) as a delivery date - typically set to 'As In Date' from the Date dropdown list to say to use the same date (whatever that is) as the receipt date in the repair job....

Step 13 - TBS Job Return Date - select which date to put on your TBS job (if using one) as a return date - typically set to 'As Anticipated Return' from the Date dropdown list to say to use the same date (whatever that is) as the anticpated repair time would create in the repair job....

Step 14 - Physical Status for TBS Job Creation - entered in the status field as a number - this is the status which the TBS booking should use as its starting physical status where 0 means Unspecified, 1 means Specified, 2 means Ready, 3 means Working - so usually this would be set to either 1 or 3 depending upon whether your starting action means you physically have the item with you - so start the repair job as Working (or 3) - or the item has not yet arrived with you, but you know what it is - so start as Specified (or 1)

Step 15 - Accts Status for TBS Job Creation - entered in the status field as a number - this is the status which the TBS booking should use as its starting accounting status where typically (remembering that the first requirement of the TBS booking is for making the stock item unavailable) you would set this to 2 which means 'Confirmed'

Step 16 - Accts Status When Repair Job Finished - entered in the status field as a number - this is the status which the TBS booking should use as its accounting status when the repair job issues an action which makes the repair job 'finished' where typically the TBS booking would either wnat to become 'Finished' (entered as 7) i.e. don't raise any invoice to the client which is typical for an in-house repair, or 'Ready To Invoice' (entered as 3) for a client repair where there will be an invoice required to be sent to the client once the repair is completed

Step 17 - Physical Status When Repair Job Finished - entered in the status field as a number - this is the status which the TBS booking should use as its physical status when the repair job issues an action which makes the repair job 'finished' where typically the TBS booking would wnat to become 'Finished' (entered as 5 for the Physical Status) - note this puts the stock item back into availability at this point as it is no longer working on a booking...

Step 18 - TBS Job Discount % (in Status field) - if you wish the TBS booking to be created with any default discount then enter the percentage figure in the Status field

Step 19 - Re Book To Client - a yes/no question primarily aimed at creating a repair job from a booking to ask if the repair job should be created directly to the current client of the booking that item is on....

Step 20 - Print Damaged Letter Instead Of Receipt - a yes/no question currently not used

Step 21 - Item Repaired Status - indicate the status that the repair job should show once an action is taken to indicate that the item has either been repaired or returned from an external repairer but before returning the item to stock or to the client.....typically set to 8 (Finished)

Step 22 - Use Project Group Delivery - a yes/no question to indicate if the delivery address should be set to any default delivery address of a selected project group

Step 23 - Set Client As Last Used - a yes/no question to indicate if the client of the repair and TBS jobs should be calculated from the last known client who had the selected item on a booking - useful if booking an item directly on to a repair job (i.e. not from a return of a TBS booking) where TBS can search back to find who used it last.....

Step 24 - Accts Status When Item Repaired - entered in the status field as a number - this is the status which the TBS booking should use as its accounting status when the repair job issues an action which makes the repair job 'repaired' where typically the TBS booking would either want to become 'Finished' (entered as 7) i.e. don't raise any invoice to the client which is typical for an in-house repair, or 'Ready To Invoice' (entered as 3) for a client repair where there will be an invoice required to be sent to the client once the repair is completed

Step 25 - TBS Job Type - enter in the Job Type field if there is any specific job type you require the TBS booking to be created with - this must match to a known Bookings Job Type (see Bookings Screens / Lookups / Booking Types)

Step 26 - Physical Status for TBS Charge Addition - when copying any charges as saved against a repair job over to a TBS booking (where they can be marked up according to the Repair Constants settings) this sets what the TBS booking Physical Status should be - typically set to 5 (Finished)

Step 27 - Accts Status for TBS Charge Addition - when copying any charges as saved against a repair job over to a TBS booking (where they can be marked up according to the Repair Constants settings) this sets what the TBS booking Accounts Status should be - typically set to 3 (Ready To Invoice), as the only reason to copy charges to the TBS booking is to be able to invoice them !

Step 28 - Physical Status When Item Repaired - entered in the status field as a number - this is the status which the TBS booking should use as its physical status when the repair job issues an action which makes the repair job 'repaired' where typically the TBS booking would typically want to become 'Finished' (entered as 5)

Once the steps are correctly all set up, your repair flow would look something like this :

Once a repair type has all its steps set, then you can create a repair booking which will function according to the rules given against its chosen repair type.

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