Frequently Asked Question

Setting Up Specific Client Rates
Last Updated 4 years ago

Setting Up Specific Client Rates

There is often a requirement to give certain clients their own individual price for a specific piece of equipment - this document shows you how to achieve giving a specific rate for one (or more) individual client(s)

Because a stock description can hold multiple prices - what we want to do is to use our 'pricing type' to save a specific price against a specific pricing type - and then tag the customer record to use that pricing type

So firstly, go to Stock --> Lookups --> Pricing Types :

Here you can create a pricing type worded however makes the most sense to you for what you need....the order number is simply for display purposes

Now go to a stock description, for which you want a special price for a given customer and add a new rate set to the pricing type :

NOTE : if you have previously opened the stock or clients screen and then add a new pricing type, you may have to close your main window and re-open a new main window for the pricing type to show in the dropdown lists, as the list of types is created and saved locally only when the window is first opened......

Now go to the clients name/address screen, and find your customer for which you want a special price and set the pricing type there :

Now, when you add that stock description on to a booking with that client as the invoice client, the specific price that we set against the pricing type will be used in place of the default price :

Some users may wish to display this special price as a discounted amount from the 'default' rate rather than displaying it as a base price for the line item - there is a preference available for this in the 'Refs' entries :

NOTE : if you change any Refs entry setting, you need to log out of TBS and log in again in order for that Refs entry to become effective within your session......

Setting this entry to Yes (ticking the checkbox shown at the bottom of the edit screen) will do as the title suggests and then enter the relevant stock description with the clients rate shown by way of a discount from the standard default rate :

You can set as many separate clients as you wish to the same pricing type if you want them all to share the same specific prices on the same stock descriptions

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