Frequently Asked Question

The Email window in TBS2
Last Updated 4 years ago

The Email window in TBS2

If you print any client related document (for the sake of this example we are assuming having printed a quotation for a booking) as a PDF, you are given the option to immediately send that pdf as an email. Choosing to send the email will result in the TBS email window being opened with some of the default fields already being filled in for you :


If the booking has an entry in the Invoice Contact field, and that contact has an email address set - then that address is automatically filled into the 'Email Address To' field. If there is no invoice contact set, or no email address for that contact, then if there is any default email address set for the client name/address details, then this email address will be automatically filled in to the 'Email Address To' field.

By default, if you use the 'down' arrow at the right of the Contact Name Lookup, you will be shown a list of known contacts of the 'Invoice Client' as shown in the 'Client Name Lookup' :


By clearing the 'Client Name Lookup' field, the 'Contact Name Lookup' search is made over *all* clients :


Selecting any contact from the contacts list - if they are shown to have an email address set - their email address will get set in the 'Email Address To' field.

To send the same mail to multiple addresses, you can use the yellow 'arrow' to move an address currently in the 'Email Address To' field in to the 'CC List' :


The arrow at the right of the 'CC List' will show you addresses already set in the CC List :


Note : if you wish to send emails to multiple addresses for specific clients, you can save a contacts email address as a comma separated list :


This gets added to an email exactly as shown - and results in the addresses being routinely split into separate addresses prior to sending. You can also write in additional email addresses in the same manner :


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