Frequently Asked Question

Barcode Scanning With Mobiles in TBS
Last Updated 4 years ago

Barcode Scanning With Mobiles in TBS

There is now an option to allow using a mobile device's camera as a barcode scanner :

Note : this requires an externally licenced component which is only available at additional charge

Throughout the TBS browser interface - it is now possible to utilise any standard mobile device (with a camera) to scan barcodes :

For this example we are going to log in to the WMS portal


And go to the Goods Out page :


And then to Allocate Item :


After entering our job number, we can scan a barcode :

Note : with the camera scanning option on, you will see an additional button 'Scan From Camera' at the bottom


Clicking on the button 'Scan From Camera' shows you the camera instruction :


Clicking on the camera icon opens the camera on the device :


Take a picture of your barcode (ensuring you get as good a focus as you can) :


If the photo looks clear then tap the 'Use Photo' button or Retake if you need to

Provided the barcode is scanned in focus - the interface will translate it into a barcode scan and enter it in the 'Scan Item' field and automatically submit it for you - just as a regular barcode scanner is designed to do

And that's it !! Simple and to the point it's just what you want from your mobile device.....

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