Frequently Asked Question

Creating a Credit Note
Last Updated 4 years ago

Creating a Credit Note

Rental businesses never like creating credits for clients - but sometimes we have to !

Because a bookings contents are the base components that create invoices - in order to generate a credit, we should start with the original booking which wants to be credited

Note : you can always simply create a new booking from scratch and add lines manually as per any booking - if easier !

Click on the 'New Copy' button of the top list to make a copy of your booking from which we will create our credit :

There are various options you can choose for your copy :

If your original booking is an inactive booking, the first choice must be unticked, however for currently active bookings - this allows you to only copy the items you can see, rather than also copying items which may have been deleted

The remaining 3 options require you to choose one (and only one !) and affect how the copy is created - if the copy is for example for an annual booking, the first choice (rebuild kits from current lists) will not copy any child items from the original but will rebuild as required. For our purposes for crediting a job, we want to use either of the two bottom items, the principal items only should normally be fine for a credit as we only really want the chargeable (or principal) items

TBS will give you warnings of certain differences which can occur when copying a booking, such as the tax rate changing :

Once the copy is complete you will now have the new booking showing :

In the new booking, if you go to the Job Details tab, and to the Special menu, you will find an option for turning this whole booking into a credit in one go - Note : it is important that you do not change the original booking items to become a credit or you will never be able to reprint your original invoice :

You are asked if this is actually what you intend ! :

Assuming it is, you are given the option to change the Physical status to Finished - as credits are not normally processed through deliveries and returns, this simply sets the Physical Status for you so that printing the credit is all that is then needed :

You are then given the Note entry so you can very simply fill in the reason for the credit in to the Note Text field - this is simply a management tool so there is some audit trail of why a credit has been issued :

After returning to the booking, you will see that it now shows the values changed to a minus value (for the credit) :

Also in the items tab, if you followed the above trail, the status of the items show as Finished / Ready To Credit :

From this point - you can obviously amend the items - for example if only some of the items are to be credited then just delete the others - or if the period to be credited is different to the original, then as normal, select the items to change and use the Amend Details tab to change the dates for crediting, and generally make whatever other changes you may want to make, and then print the Credit Note in the same manner as for printing invoices except you select the option to print a credit rather than an invoice !

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