Frequently Asked Question

Dealing with pre-payments in TBS accounts
Last Updated 4 years ago

Dealing with pre-payments in TBS accounts

Many clients now routinely receive payment by credit card in advance of an invoice being produced for a job, which typically will go out at the end of the job and account for any small changes which may have occurred during the course of the job.

There is now a routine which is part of the Invoice Summary - which can help in automatically applying pre-payments against the recently produced invoices

To make this part work correctly, simply add the job number in to the cash entry when adding it to the cashbook receipts :

As you will see the '2nd Reference' field has now been renamed to show the information required for this - and the tooltip also adds further to your information here.

When the next Invoice Summary routine is run - at the end, immediately after adding the new invoices to the Sales Ledger, each invoice is checked to see if there are any open payments entered with the job number of the invoice. If there are then the appropriate entries are made to allocate the payment against the invoice (this includes the adjustments for moving tax amounts where a cash accounting basis is being used) - and thereby avoids the slightly tedious process of going through and manually allocating open payments against open invoices.

Viewing current 'paid' amount of bookings

To go along with the above, when viewing jobs in the default Bookings --> Job Details list, there is now a column called : Amount Paid - which (providing the 2nd ref field has been entered in the cash entry) will now show you all payments made against a job, whether the job has been invoiced or not - again a much faster way of verifying the state of each job than before :

As normal, these columns can of course be moved around to suit your own preference by dragging the column titles left and right. And columns can be hidden by clicking inside the column title area and unclicking them from the list shown.....

Note : there is also a new preference (Refs) option - called : ShowUnpaid - to display any invoiced jobs which are not yet fully paid with their line all in red :

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